PPSSPP for Android
Download the latest version of this PSP emulator on Google Play, or simply download and install the .apk files from here (surf to this page and touch this button on your device, make sure that you have enabled non-Play-Store installs):PPSSPP for Windows
There is not yet an installer, just download the ZIP file and unpack it where you like.One download for both 32-bit and 64-bit.
You may need to install the VC2010 redist (some DLL files). Also, if it still doesn't work, try installing the latest DirectX and OpenGL drivers for your graphics card.
PPSSPP now works on jailbroken iPhone and iPad with Cydia. Some people have set up Cydia repositories, updated at various frequencies, look to the right. angelXwind's repo is updated the most often, however some people are reporting better speed with The Avenger's.NOTE: As with all other builds, these are used on your own risk, the PPSSPP project takes no reponsibility for the contents.
For more, check the Forums.
These can all be considered unofficial.
PPSSPP for Blackberry
This is a Blackberry 10 port of PPSSPP. Sideload the .bar from your computer using Sachesi or Chrome extension. Thanks to xsacha for doing the build.PPSSPP for Meego / Harmattan
This is a Meego port of PPSSPP. Thanks to xsacha for doing the build.PPSSPP for Symbian
This is a Symbian port of PPSSPP. Thanks to xsacha for doing the build.Pandora
This is a Pandora port of PPSSPP. You will have to figure out how to install it :) Thanks to ptitSeb.MacOS X
angelXwind hosts unofficial builds, see links to the right.
angelXwind's OSX SDL build (OSX 10.6+): download
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